Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Christmas Mood

"We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year....."

Am I too early to be in the festive mood? Maybe the side effect of too much shopping today.

I never have a Christmas Tree in my house before because neither my parents nor my darling is a believer in festive celebration. So festive season is always a dull period at home *sad*. But I am always looking forward to attend friends or relatives' festive gathering or parties.

And I have decided to bring some festive colours into our home this year especially with my eager 2 years old princess that keep asking me "What's this? What's that?". Last weekend, she saw this beautifully decorated Christmas Tree at her Aunty R's house , my SIL. And there she goes with her "What's this? What's that?" phrase again with a big "Wow" at the first sight of the gigantic tree (comparison between a 30 odd inches princess and a over 5 feet tall tree).

And today she sighted this gigantic tree again and enthusiastically exclaimed in her own vocabulary, "That Aunty R's tree. Got light". And that prompted me to create some festive mood at our home, so that I can see her enthusiasm in experimenting something new.  

But where we live, space are limited especially with continuously new additions to our collections of personal indulgence (toys, baking & cooking stuffs, gadgets, etc), there are no way that we can fit in a big Christmas Trees.  And so with a bit of creativity and a stroll in Ikea, we ended up bringing back a little pine plant and decorated as pretty as we can.

By the way, the little pine plant, plant pot and lights are from Ikea. We decorated it with mini red Christmas Ornaments from Tesco. Then I draped it with one of my purse gold chain as Christmas Tree Garland.  Hmmm.....all I am missing is a Christmas Tree Topper......

I found this cute pencil cover from my stationery box and decided to place it as the Topper of our economical cost saving Christmas Tree.

To further reduce the space of our already congested living space, my darling bought back a igloo house for our princess. Princess adores her new house so much and labeled it as "My house". Today is one of her happiest day to get so much little presents from us. The excitements actually made her only able to sleep almost at midnight even with so little nap time during the day. I hope this will be the only day that she decided to call it a day so late at night because Mommy needs her own personal time too.....

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