Thursday, October 28, 2010

Walnut Egg Yolk Sponge Cake Pops

Walnut Egg Yolk Sponge Cake Pops

As I mentioned in my previous post that I will be making the Walnut Egg Yolk Sponge Cake  again in different version if  I have extra egg yolks to spare. Well I did after I wasted the egg whites in my failed attempt to make the Green Tea Macarons. My Green Tea Macarons was progressing perfectly well until I realized that I made a silly mistakes on my oven heating elements that causes my precious Macarons failed misserably....all cracked, flatten, burned on bottom and uneatable. I was so pissed off at that time that I kept scolding myself for the mistake I made......something must have gone wrong in my head on that day!

Anyway, let bygones be bygones. The next day after I had recomposed myself (at least to the right state of mind in baking.....hehehe), I whipped up those leftover egg yolks into another Walnut Egg Yolk Sponge Cake adapted from Nigella Lawson's Recipes and I mashed it up, round it up and coat it up with a dark chocolate dip into some Cake Pops.

I felt good and I know I am all up for more baking and cooking again!

My eager and no. 1 guinea of all time showing off the inside of this Cake Pops.

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