Sunday, September 26, 2010

Cozybakers Special Fried Chicken

Cozybakers Special Fried Chicken

We were so lazy to go out for dinner yesterday and we decided to eat at was almost 6:30 pm and our normal dinner time is around 7:30 pm. And my hubby has this craving for fried chicken. Honestly I have not fry any chicken for like years....this is the first time I cooked my special fried chicken after at least 8 years and luckily I can remember my self-invented recipe after all this years (I didn't write it down then because I was like making this for my family every week).
I am so glad that supermarket is such a convenience place for me to go as it is just walking distance from where I live. I put some potato into the pot and boil while I went out to buy a chicken and some other ingredients. By the time I came back, the potatoes were ready to be mashed with some unsalted butter, low fat milk, salt and some black pepper. I used Lurpak Unsalted Butter and Dutch Lady Low Fat Milk. This is the only ingredients that I am telling you this time :)

I coated the chicken with my secret ingredients and fried it in the super hot vegetable oil until cooked and golden brown. And at 7:30 pm,  my special fried chicken is ready to be served with mashed potato.

My hubby (first time eating my fried chicken) ate 4 huge pieces and gave me two thumbs ups. He is still telling me how delicious these fried chicken were until now.......

The crispiness of the skin.....

The juicy flesh....making me hungry now by looking at it!

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