Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Apple Upside Down Cake

Apple Upside Down Cake

Few days back as I was looking through my collection of recipes again to find something easy to make in order I don't overworked my mixer again, I found the Pineapple Upside Down Cake from Alice Waters' Chez Panisse Fruit's recipes. It looks pretty even without frosting.

Yeah I forgot to mention this: my low-end 4 month old food processor cum mixer is broken due to my heavy usage and now is in the "kitchen utensils' hospital" undergoing operations.

Anyway back to the original title, I made changes to a few things in the original recipe. Firstly, I use Apple instead of Pineapple because I don't know how to skin and cut a pineapple, and I am not keen to the super sweet pineapple in can. Secondly, I omit the butter and replace with water instead for the caramel topping on top (which is actually the bottom) of the cake. Thirdly, I put more milk than what the recipe called for so that I can have a more moist and softer cake. Lastly, I reduce the sugar by half so that I can serve it with ice-cream.

Best way to eat this Apple Upside Down Cake is to serve the cake warm with a scope of your favourite ice-cream on top. As for the picture above, I use double churn vanilla ice-cream (the only available flavour in my fridge). My family favourite for time being :)

P/S: My darling prohibited me from publishing his style of digging in scope after scope and slice after slice of this Apple Upside Down with Vanilla Ice-Cream's desserts.

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