Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oreo Cupcakes With Light Buttercream Frosting

Oreo Cupcakes With Light Buttercream Frosting

This is my first bake since I got back.....I baked this for someone that's why I am unable to show you the inside of the cupcake and also my princess ate my sample piece. The difference between this Oreo Cupcakes and my previous version is that I put some Dark Chocolate Pastry Cream in the middle of the beside the Oreo crunchy taste, one can taste the creaminess of the Chocolate Pastry Cream (from Pierre Herme's Chocolate Desserts) inside.

The Serving Stand that I used for display in the picture above aged at least 80 years old. I will tell you the history of this tableware in my next post. 

And to decorate it, I use Light Buttercream with crushed Oreo spread out in a thin layer and another one is tinted with light pink (my favourite colour) piped out with a star nozzle. 

And lastly I packed it into little pink boxes as shown in pictures. It looks so pretty. My princess kept asking me whose cupcakes are these in her simple English, "Mommy, this for who?". So sweet of her when she suggested that one each for daddy,  mommy, po po, ah ma, le lynn, khoo khoo, etc.

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