Sunday, October 24, 2010

Macarons With Chocolate Pastry Cream Filling

Macarons With Chocolate Pastry Cream Filling

Finally I am able to make Macarons with those little feet sitting at the bottom and the chewy and moist texture in the inside. At one point, I have almost decided to give up after 2 trials....on the first trial, the feet wasn't there and there is cracked all over, the 2nd trial the feet was there but it was unbearable sweet. But then last Friday, when my SIL mentioned that she wanted to go for Macarons classes, that's hit me again that I have to try again to perfect my Macarons' Recipe and Techniques.

Yes, Macarons is more about the techniques rather the the recipes itself as the ingredients are simple, just comprising of egg whites, sugar and almond flour. But to make the perfect batter and to pipe it out correctly without those little horn sticking on top and to be able to bake until those little feet appeared at the bottom is all about the techniques. Once you overbeat the egg whites by a second, there goes the batter.

So this round, I would say that I managed it quite well but I will still try again another day to reduce the sweetness level further.

Lately I am so into this Chocolate Pastry Cream's Recipe from Pierre Herme that I am using it for most filling or frosting that calls for Chocolate. The taste is just so good and fantastic.

Next round I might try Macarons in another flavour.....stay tune!

So happy to see those feet

2 pieces of macarons sandwiched together with Pierre Herme's Chocolate Pastry Cream in the middle
The chewy and moist texture inside

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