Sunday, October 3, 2010

Chinese Sausage with Assorted Dried Seafood One Pot Rice

Chinese Sausage with Assorted Dried Seafood One Pot Rice

I knew that I have a long day today.....baking, visiting my in-laws and preparing steamboat ingredients for my family tomorrow since my sisters and aunts are visiting my princess.....yeah to see how is their jewel doing after recovering from fever 2 days ago. I want to cook something easy and delicious and a balanced lunch. Princess has been having white porridge with steam fish for few days already.....poor thing......just the mentioned of porridge is enough to drive her appetite away.....she will just eat up all the steam fish and leave the white porridge behind. Well that's a sign she is growing up....just like adults now she doesn't like to eat the same type of food every day in and out.....she prefers variety of food. But this afternoon, she ate up the whole bowl of One Pot Rice by need to be feed....sitting still on her little stool and table (no walking around, no talking)...eating up all the sausage first then followed by the rice ALL BY HERSELF. I asked her whether she wants Kakak to feed her or not and her simple reply was "No! I do myself"

Why I say One Pot Rice is easy and delicious is because you put all the ingredients and seasoning that you want together with the rice into a rice cooker, put in enough water to cover the rice plus ingredients and press the start/cook button and at the same time you can steam some vegetables of your choice on the steamer. Then you are free to do whatever you want while waiting for the rice to cook. See it is easy, yummy and you can provide a balanced meal for your family.....rice, meat, seafood, vegetable.

One Pot Rice with Spring Onion Garnishing.....

and Steam Broccoli on the side

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