Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cozy Steamboat With Family

Cozy Steamboat

The past weeks has been raining quite a lot. I always like to have steamboat on rainy days...the only time that I don't feel so warm sitting close to a pot of steamy soup.

For today's Family Gathering, we had our very own Cozy Steamboat..... prepared with Chicken Stock (no MSN....pure fresh Chicken boiled over medium heat for hours). We got thinly sliced sakura pork shoulder and loin (belly is too fatty for our taste), chicken (all the bones went into the soup base), fish slices, fish balls, prawns, corn cob, lotus roots, assorted green vegetables, radish, vermicelli and glass noodles....all prepared by us. We have spring onions, fried garlic and shallots, Japanese Soy Sauce and Taiwanese Fermented Chili Bean Sauce as garnishing and dips.'s so yummy and warm....the soup is so sweet with all the fresh ingredients that we put in. But too bad we only remembered the seaweed after the steamboat (while we were cleaning up all the stuffs on the table).

After a short rest, we gonna have our desserts......honey raisin swiss roll and peanut butter sandwich cake.......

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