Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Banana Layer Cake With Chocolate

Banana Layer Cake With Chocolate Ganache

For the past few weeks, each time I passed by the bakery near my place, I smelt this wonderful banana aroma each time they baked something with banana. I can't help it but to make something out of banana this time. I am not a banana person unless it is in the form of smoothies or desserts.

I baked this Banana Layer Cake in 2 versions. One is with Chocolate Ganache pour on top of the cake (picture above) which is for myself, my darling and princess. My princess ate everything on the cake except the banana. She dislike most mushy fruits and food. The whole cake was gone the next morning......hahaha......good! 

Banana Layer Cake With Chocolate Bits

The Banana Layer Cake With Chocolate Bits was baked for a close family friend, one that we regards as Saviour also for his help to save my princess' life when she had a bad, bad fall some times back. He is also a great teacher for something that not many people can do and willing to teach.

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