Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Durian Cream Tart

Durian Cream Tarts

This might be a durian week for us as my dear hubby bought back a few more durians. So I am gonna try out as many durian recipes as possible in order to finish off all the durian in my fridge and get rid of the strong durian smell in my whole house. 

I was quite tempted to try some durian desserts after making a few durian recipe....so this time I really did it.....I put the tart into my mouth but I can't bring myself to bite into it.....how sad....I will try again next time....I am sure I will be able to taste it once and blog about it soon......

And I did learn something new from my 'durian expert' on how to differentiate a D24 from other durian. A D24 has a small spot at the bottom that looks like the shape of a 5 cents coin (see below)......dunno how true is it.....
The D24 logo
My 'durian expert' operating on a D24
What do you think of his incision?

Operation successful!


  1. are you selling these pastries and cakes of yours?

  2. Hi Amanina,

    I am so happy to receive my first comments since I started this blog 2 weeks ago.

    Yes I do sell these pastries and cakes beside making for family & friends.

  3. oh my god these durian recipes are awesome, :)
    i intended to buy this from you, but for some reason, i cancelled my intention. :(

  4. Oh! Why is it so?

    Anyway, glad to hear from you. There is always another time :)


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